Category: Unintentional ASMRUnintentional ASMR videos ranging from professional examinations to complete quackery. These are usually the best ASMR videos here. Use the stars to rate videos. Only give them 1 star if you completely disagree about them being ASMR-worthy and leave a comment explaining your stance.
X-Acto-knife artist
The joy of writing with fountain pens2.8 (10)
Ready to eat Meal Review: No. 17 Sloppy Joe3.4 (12)
Cat licking itself2.6 (5)
Alan Pratt using energy healing humans and a dog2.4 (10)
Meal Kit Supply Pork Sausage Patty show and tell3.3 (11)
Yann Frisch’s amazing sleight of hand routine trick2.5 (10)
Dogs and a tiger eating cookies and drinking milk2 (3)
Chiropractor demonstrates an adjustment to relieve pain2.6 (8)
Chiropractic Adjustment for Stress Relief3.3 (16)

Koren Specific Technique is a chiropractic technique used for stress relief and shoulder pain. This video demonstrates the KST chiropractic adjustment on a patient. Unlike traditional chiropractic manual adjustments, which involve cracking, popping or twisting, this adjustment relies on a chiropractic tool called the Arthrostim to tap the bone into…
9 year old talks about her interest for Naruto2.3 (6)
Astronaut food show and tell3.4 (5)
Unintentional ASMR videos ranging from professional examinations to complete quackery. These are usually the best ASMR videos here. Use the stars to rate videos. Only give them 1 star if you completely disagree about them being ASMR-worthy and leave a comment explaining your stance.
X-Acto-knife artist
The joy of writing with fountain pens2.8 (10)
Ready to eat Meal Review: No. 17 Sloppy Joe3.4 (12)
Cat licking itself2.6 (5)
Alan Pratt using energy healing humans and a dog2.4 (10)
Meal Kit Supply Pork Sausage Patty show and tell3.3 (11)
Yann Frisch’s amazing sleight of hand routine trick2.5 (10)
Dogs and a tiger eating cookies and drinking milk2 (3)
Chiropractor demonstrates an adjustment to relieve pain2.6 (8)
Chiropractic Adjustment for Stress Relief3.3 (16)

Koren Specific Technique is a chiropractic technique used for stress relief and shoulder pain. This video demonstrates the KST chiropractic adjustment on a patient. Unlike traditional chiropractic manual adjustments, which involve cracking, popping or twisting, this adjustment relies on a chiropractic tool called the Arthrostim to tap the bone into…